
New Business Directory: Renewable Carbon Companies (ReCaCo)

Find companies that already offer fossil carbon free products, made from biomass, CO2 and recycling

On 1 December 2022, nova-Institute (Germany) will launch a new business directory that lists companies, associations and institutes that offer products and services in the field of renewable carbon. Right from the start, searching parties can find the profiles of 128 companies, whose business focus can be found easily and quickly via a comprehensive index. Most of these companies focus on bio-based solutions, as ReCaCo took over the bio-based business directory iBIB, with up to 56,000 profile downloads per year. However, this figure should increase quickly, as company entries of up to two pages are free of charge. Numerous companies from the CO2 utilisation and recycling sector have already announced their entries.

Thus, the ReCaCo will become a valuable and already well-filled treasure trove for all those who are looking for producers, suppliers or even partners, that offer products made of ("fossil free") renewable carbon and thus lead the way towards the transition to defossilisation of the chemical and material world. Join us on the journey to a sustainable future – ReCaCo will help you!

Find all listed profiles here: https://renewable-carbon.eu/companies/. 

And if you would like to list your company, please follow https://renewable-carbon.eu/companies/join/.