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BioReCer – Biological Resources Certifications Schemes

BioReCer is a three-year interdisciplinary collaborative project, including 16 partners from science and industry. BioReCer aims to assess and complement current certification schemes for biological resources according to the EU sustainability goals to enhance bio-based circular systems. This will be achieved by including new criteria that align with EU taxonomy and EU corporate due diligence regulations into guidelines for certifying biological resources’ sustainability, origin, tracking and traceability (T&T). By promoting the sustainability and trade of biological resources, BioReCer will increase the added value, use, and social acceptance of bio-based products.

The project builds on three technological pillars: i) A multi-dimensional assessment framework for an aggregated analysis of the biological feedstocks and their associated supply chains, ii) A BioReCer Innovation Ecosystem Living-Lab (BRIE-LL) with a multi-agent approach, testing and validating the framework in four bio-based systems supply chain case studies, and iii) Complementing current certification schemes by including new criteria for certifying the sustainability, origin and traceability of biological resources, and ensuring applicability in the EU and globally.

BioReCer strongly relies on stakeholders. Successful stakeholder engagement will be realised by two levels of interaction within the BRIE-LL, i.e. a physical BioResources Stakeholders Platform (BRSP) and an innovative digital BioReCer Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Tool (BIT).